Interesting Facts and Myths

As of September, 2013, the Mirror, Table with Crystal Ball, Giraffe Statue, Wishing Well, Telescope and other stuff you could buy in Lost Temple of Zios are GONE!

You are not put on the EPIC DENs list if your den gets full.  When Julian2 unlocked his den, it was full 24/7, and he was never on the Epic Dens list.

At the Leap Year Party, there was a Claw that gave non member Lion Plushies.  I got so many! The three rare Lions was the blue one with the eyepatch, the blue one wearing the gold crown, necklace and king's robe, and the white one with a bushy mustache and round glasses (my favorite).  After  probably more than twenty lions, I went to my den and recycled a bunch (I regret that).  To my surprise, I found out that each lion was worth 90 gems when recycled.  I got a lot of gems.

The April Fool's Party was a castle with everything upside down.  That included the castle, the wallpaper, grass and flowers, and items for sale.  The items were Upside Down Plants, which was the only non member item at the party, Warning Signs,  Upside Down Chandeleirs, Upside Down Teapots, and Upside Down Tables.

It is harder to win a Penguin Plushie in the Claw than any other plushie not including the phantom.  This is why, when you recycle any Penguin Plushie, it's worth thirty gems, twice the amount a regular recycled plushie is worth.  See for yourself by clicking the recycle button and then a penguin plushie.

When Animal Jam was in beta, the cheapest clothe item was the skullys (10 gems each!).

In beta, you could buy wings from the Jamaa market in purple, but they could be color changed to orange or a dark grey color. I'm sure you could change it to many other colors, too.

During beta, the den was larger and it looked like this;

Mythical Sunnybelly has many of her AJ beta pics posted on Google Images

They were three stories tall and could be decorated with many of the things you find in other Jammer's dens today, just with all the items non member. For instance, in the far left of the screenshot is the side of a little railroad track for the Toy Train item. You can buy that today in the Jamaa market as a member item.

Sea Anemone Head Bows were issued as a Jamaalidays gift in 2012. When they showed up on your screen as the gift you chose, it would be white. Underneath was a color change bar and Jammers could click it to make the head bow change to salmon pink, orange, yellow, or a mix of colors so some petals would be red, some green and some white. It was only later, when Animal Jam made an update, that the Sea Anemone Head Bows got the RARE sign. If anyone has seen a RARE white head bow, please comment! The last and only time I saw a white one was in the Christmas of 2012. I wish I hadn't color changed my head bow and just kept it white.

The RARE Bow and Arrows were also Jamaalidays gifts in 2012. Actually, the bows were on Jamaa Market. The non color changed form was green. The bows got the RARE sign the same time Sea Anemone Head Bows did.

If you break the ice in Mt. Shiveer or the rock bridge in Coral Canyons you get free membership. That's just not true. You can't break it, even if it looks like you can. I'm sure most of you know this.

The RARE Cat Hat was on sale with orange eyes, but members could color change it. In my other account (username asonansce), someone sent me a RARE Cat Hat with red button eyes. Unforunately, that account was (and still is) a non member account, so the Jam-a-Gram's still there.

The nice Jammers who say "best trade wins my outfit" and have one bad item on trade are not scammers.  Well, of course they are.  Usually.  Just don't trade them.

Levels one to four in BETA Adventures are in a circle shape on your name.  Levels five through nine are a star, and ten through fourteen are a diamond.

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