Hi Jammers!
Welcome to my blog! My username is cinnamins.
This is me, Snickety;
A Strange Item; the Skeleton Throne
Halloween is almost here! Will this mysterious item come back?
Big news! The scary bat wings you can get in the beta adventures and sky high now have the rare sign. More people seem to want them. I guess they feel like its more rare and won't go on sale at a store ever again because it has that sign. I used to think that items with the rare sign would never be sold again so they would be more rare than everything else, but more people buy them because they have that flashy sign, so they're not as rare, and rare items have gone on sale twice before. This might be a bad example because it starts in beta, but the rare bow was on sale in beta (but you could only get it in the raspberry color) and then Christmas 2012. Fox hats went on sale twice! Orange fox hats are not as rare because they were the non color changed kind for sale and non members just bought so many orange ones because they couldn't color change,
The new items you can get at the spooky party and the haunted house party are the demon mask, Frankenstein mask, medusas mask and witches hat.
Frankenstein bolts are back at Bahari bargains! I think they look cool.
Eyeball bolts are here too, and they go over your whole head and make it seem huge. They used to sell rare ones.
This member item was released shortly after beta. Here is my koala next to this throne, which I found in an Epic Den.
Raspberry colored bows were from beta, but now they're appearing because Jammers are getting them from Sky High. There are so many more raspberry bows and Freedom/Scary Bat Wings now because of Sky High, but the number of RARE bows don't seem to have increased. Can you get a regular RARE Bow and Arrow in Sky High? Comment what you've gotten in Sky High below! You can comment using OpenID - just type your AJ user if you want to leave a comment.
This is the sign to Kimbara Outback. It's way more pixelated.
New Clothes:
New Map Design - I prefer the old world map. This one looks less realistic and more cartoonish. What do you think? Leave your comments!
BETA Adventure Levels - Now you can play the second adventure at the hard level. But beware non members. The prizes on the Hard level are all members only. To get to the cave for a prize, you need to be or have someone playing the game with you be an Artic Wolf to step on the circle thingy, which will let you go on a pathway that leads to the cave with treasure in it. Jammer's level number in the Adventures will now also be visible on their names no matter where they are!
Kangaroos are here - and if you're a member with at least ten diamonds, that's good news. Kangaroo beta testers have already appeared in Jamaa and you may have seen some already. They are tiny!
Epic Plushies! You can buy these plushies at AJ Outfitters (click the picture of Animal Jam T-Shirts at the bottom of your AJ screen). They are about $16 each because you have to buy a real plushie to get the free in-game plushie. Each $16 Epic Plushie has a little tag around its neck when you buy it. Inside the tag is a code and if you enter the code you get a plushie to put in your den. The in-game plushie can be a purple panda, penguin, wolf, tiger, pink giraffe or a fox. If you click one, it will leap in the air and turn into a little ball with the animal's pawprints on it. Click it again, and it pops back to animal form. The actual plushies have a little ball container too. An added bonus; some of the Epic Plushies have a code for one week membership in their tag.
BETA Adventure Levels - Now you can play the second adventure at the hard level. But beware non members. The prizes on the Hard level are all members only. To get to the cave for a prize, you need to be or have someone playing the game with you be an Artic Wolf to step on the circle thingy, which will let you go on a pathway that leads to the cave with treasure in it. Jammer's level number in the Adventures will now also be visible on their names no matter where they are!
New BETA Adventure for members and one for non members. Non members can receive a carrot wheelbarrow, Bunny Sign, gems, or Phantom Pipe from the second adventure. All the member prizes in that second adventure (BETA Well, BETA Flower Barrel, BETA Carrot Patch, etc.) have been replaced by the non member ones.
This is where you get a key.
I think AJHQ made the third Adventure's prizes as non member items on purpose. This way, when it comes time for non members to be able to play Rise of the King Phantom, they won't have to make new, non member items for the non members, like they did for the second adventure.
Another warning; in the second adventure set on the Hard Level, all the prizes are members only. If you're a non member who doesn't want member stuff, you want to reconsider playing it.
Kangaroos are here - and if you're a member with at least ten diamonds, that's good news. Kangaroo beta testers have already appeared in Jamaa and you may have seen some already. They are tiny!
Epic Plushies! You can buy these plushies at AJ Outfitters (click the picture of Animal Jam T-Shirts at the bottom of your AJ screen). They are about $16 each because you have to buy a real plushie to get the free in-game plushie. Each $16 Epic Plushie has a little tag around its neck when you buy it. Inside the tag is a code and if you enter the code you get a plushie to put in your den. The in-game plushie can be a purple panda, penguin, wolf, tiger, pink giraffe or a fox. If you click one, it will leap in the air and turn into a little ball with the animal's pawprints on it. Click it again, and it pops back to animal form. The actual plushies have a little ball container too. An added bonus; some of the Epic Plushies have a code for one week membership in their tag.
Jamaaliday Party - I have no idea why there is a Jamaaliday Party right now. This is like the Spooky Party that happened months after Halloween.
I've been to a Jamaaliday party when it was like 6 months after christmas I was like Why is this on? xD